Q:Which countries and regions do pearls mainly come from?

A:Currently, pearls mainly come from specific countries and regions, including:
  1. China: China is one of the largest pearl-producing countries in the world, mainly producing freshwater pearls, such as those from the Yangtze River Basin and the Pearl River Basin.
  2. Japan: Japan is also an important country in the pearl industry, mainly producing saltwater pearls, especially from Nagasaki Prefecture and Shizuoka Prefecture.
  3. France: French Polynesia, including the Tuamotu Archipelago and the region of Polynesia, also produces high-quality saltwater pearls, especially known for black pearls.
  4. Australia: Queensland and Western Australia in Australia are other important regions for saltwater pearl production.
  5. Indonesia: The islands of the Wakatobi Archipelago and Sulawesi in Indonesia also have production of saltwater pearls.
  6. Philippines: The Philippine Islands, including the southern island of Mindanao, are also an important source of saltwater pearls.
  7. Vietnam: Vietnam is also a major producer of saltwater pearls, especially in Ha Long Bay and along the coast of the South China Sea.
These countries and regions have unique geographical locations and climate conditions, giving them distinct advantages in pearl cultivation, making them the main suppliers in the global pearl market.