Q:How to easily distinguish Real pearls from Fake ones?

A:The 9 major methods to distinguish real and fake pearls,

  1. Observation of Luster and Light Reflection: Real pearls typically exhibit a soft luster with rainbow reflections under light, while fake pearls may appear shinier but with an unnatural luster.

  2. Observation of Surface Patterns: Real pearls often have tiny bumps or patterns on the surface, while fake pearls are usually smoother.

  3. Observation of Shape and Size: Real pearls may have irregular shapes and varying sizes, while fake pearls are often uniform in shape and size.

  4. Friction Test: Rubbing a pearl between your fingers produces a faint friction sound for real pearls, while fake pearls may be silent or produce a harsh sound.

  5. Examination of Imperfections: Real pearls may have minor imperfections like dents or spots, while fake pearls often have flawless surfaces.

  6. Measurement of Weight: Real pearls tend to be heavier since they are made of layers secreted by mollusks.

  7. Observation of Temperature: Real pearls may feel slightly cooler than room temperature, while fake pearls are usually at room temperature.

  8. Chemical Testing: Real pearls react to certain chemicals, like producing slight bubbles when soaked in vinegar, while fake pearls may not.

  9. Tooth Test: Gently biting a pearl between your teeth, real pearls usually feel harder, while fake pearls may feel softer or more elastic.